ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche Italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche
Communication, consulting for cultural sector
Alphabetica is the portal for exploring Italy's bibliographic heritage that draws on ICCU's historical databases: SBN OPAC, Manus Online, EDIT16, SBN Teca and Digitized Historical Catalogs.
A single general catalogue available to citizens to deepen, discover, share cultural experiences by simultaneously querying all the materials put online by the more than 6,500 libraries of the National Library Service and those participating in other ICCU projects. Dot Beyond is the technological partner of the project, together with Inera and GruppoMeta.
A portal for discovery and sharing
Alphabetica is aimed at a curious public eager to explore topics in depth or create personalized collections. Like the letters of the alphabet generate topics, the portal unites data about the cultural heritage of Italian libraries, making it accessible digitally or for physical consultation.
One portal, many paths
In addition to allowing single-field searching in all queried databases, Alphabetica is divided into ten paths: Protagonists, Music, Books, Manuscripts, Audio and Video, Cartography, Periodicals, Graphics, Libaries. Some of them allow you to launch free text searches, others are based on controlled entries. In both cases, the results are clear, transparent and organised in boxes dedicated to the chosen subject or type. The user thus has a detailed overview and, above all, hints and links between resources and bibliographical entries, through which he or she can discover unexpected links and find new research ideas.
Thanks to the IIIF standard and the image viewer Mirador, it is also possible to compare different digital materials, also from sources outside the national bibliographic services ecosystem.
Dot Beyond, in addition to being a technology partner, also took care of the graphic design of the event presenting the Alphabetica portal, held on 16 December 2021 at the Giovanni Spadolini Hall of the Ministry of Culture. For the occasion, we produced the brochure, playbill and poster for the event, as well as a motion graphic video depicting the great work behind the project.
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