Fondazione Istituto Piemontese Antonio Gramsci di Torino

AMA Gramsci

What we do

Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Access systems

How we interact with culture is evolving, and the innovative Ask Me Anything Gramsci project is part of that evolution. We’re working on it with the Antonio Gramsci Piedmontese Institute Foundation, a facilitator for cultural participation and observatory of socioeconomic development.

AMA Gramsci combines historical archives with artificial intelligence, creating a first-of-its-kind prototype for archive accessibility that can guide people through archival material in ways never before possible.

Unleashing the potential of AI

Logo of the Fondazione Istituto Piemontese Antonio Gramsci Onlus, featuring red and black abstract shapes.

Artificial intelligence is at the core of AMA Gramsci, powering a state-of-the-art search engine that makes navigating hundreds of archival documents easy.

This AI system will be truly intelligent, with highly dynamic capabilities.

A deeper connection to culture

Culture makes stories, and AMA Gramsci helps tell those stories.

Integrated into the system is an AI conversation agent that will be able tap into the massive narrative potential of archival documents.

Users can talk to this conversation agent and get the precise information they’re looking for, delivered in the form of engaging digital storytelling.

A laptop showcasing the AMA Gramsci AI interface on a concrete platform.

AMA Gramsci also has a very human dimension. The project includes training programmes for professionals in the cultural sector.

Their aim is to integrate technology into daily work processes and transform operational methodologies within the Foundation and its partner associations.

Through the training, these professionals learn how to maximize the potential of the generative technologies that are becoming an increasingly integral part of the culture and heritage sectors.

These training programmes also foster positive attitudes towards technology and the digital paradigm shift, as cultural institutions evolve with the times, moving into a tomorrow of endless possibilities.

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